Friday, June 12, 2009


These are among the few of our very humble achievements for the past few years :

2005 -Kawad kaki daerah 2nd place (senior team)
-Best commander (Najihah Hawari)
-3rd place (junior team)

2007 -Kawad kaki daerah 3rd place 2008
-Sports day marching 2nd place

2008 -attended the National Youth and Volunteer Camp at Serdang

2009 -Sports day marching 3rd place
-Kawad kaki daerah best commander (Jocelyn Tang)

1 comment:

  1. nice blog.. i think u should add a chatbox that avalible at the following this enable user to communicate in the faster way instead of sending u guys comment.. You guys should also put up some music player.. (maybe your own music or anything related to bsmm) it makes the blog looks better.. If you have a facebook/ twitter/ myspace/ friendster.. Should u create one bsmm fan group in there.. where u can put a link in there too.. 100% the blog url will spread through all the friends.. I wish to see more updates and new features in the blog.. =)
